My sons have discovered that there are crabs to be caught in the creek in our back yard. They are small Blue Crabs that are apparently dumb enough to let themselves be caught by boys who have never crabbed in their life. Ian used a hook and my dental floss to catch the first one. Later when they really got going they were using my plastic kitchen bowls. At one point, I came down from upstairs to find a big red bucket full of smelly crabs and minnows in my kitchen. OK, I am a pretty supportive mom but I draw the line at odiferous sea creatures in the kitchen. I can't stand the smell of seafood and considering what a hot day it was the odor was not pleasant. Yuck. I can tell now that crabbing will not be my favorite pastime. After keeping them awhile I made the boys releaase the little critters. I guess I need to look in the rules around crabbing. I kept envisioning the game warden arriving and arresting me for crabbing without a license. Do you need a license? Is there a crab season? Looks like living in Poquoson is going to educational to say the least.
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