Monday, June 25, 2007

Unburying: Boxes everywhere

I'm trying to reclaim some sanity. The furniture and boxes arrived in Virginia the last week of April. The movers put them down inside and there they sat until I arrived last week. I spent last week getting the kitchen functioning and catching up on laundry. I set up the boys bathroom so they no longer have to come into our room to use mine. I could work on getting the rest of the downstairs done but I feel an urgent need to create a peaceful space in my bedroom. So I spent yesterday and I do mean ALL of yesterday unpacking boxes in my room. I managed to get the floor uncovered enough that I could vacuum. The room has seven windows and is bright and cheery but it doesn't have enough wall space for dressers. I can't figure out what to do with all the things that I used to have in dressers. Now that the boxes are I have to find homes for everything. I hope I can get my computer set up today as well. I think I'll feel much calmer once I have my personal space organized. The more clutter that surrounds me the more cluttered I feel inside.

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