Friday, June 22, 2007

Job Interview

Yesterday I had a job interview. I wasn't too concerned since I taught for them for three years before we moved to New Hampshire. I think it went OK but maybe not. I suppose I put all my eggs in one basket by only applying there and now I am panicking. What if they don't want me back. What if somehow between working there before and now they decided that I'm not good enough to work for them? What if the sky fell down and squashed what little self esteem I actually possess. Sheesh....I am a mess. I worry constantly and now I'll be stressed on this until they decide if they want to hire me or not. What do you think the odds are that they will make a decision today before the weekend? Yeah, your right. They are probably not going to make the decision that fast but it would be nice. If it is a positive result I can relax this weekend. If it is a negative response I can cry all weekend....I might just do that anyway. I seem to be on overload. On the positive side ( I know, with me that is an oxymoron) it is a lovely day here and I am sitting outside on the little patio enjoying my coffee. I have three great kids. I have to remind myself of all of those things.

1 comment:

Deadpoolite said...

I am sure it will all go smoothly as far as you keep at the back of your mind what is really important (your family). Job interviews are indeed tricky and it is always nerve wrecking when you go through that process, I feel exactly the same way!

Take care!