Sunday, July 1, 2007

Sunday...Moody Sunday

The house is so quiet. Everyone should be up and about. Everyone should be doing some chores. We should have gone to church. But.....Nah.....not today. I feel surprisingly like doing nothing. All but myself and my youngest are still snoozing. He is off playing on the Wii so he isn't bothering me. Actually I had to make him cinnamon toast to make him go away. But now that his belly is full he is fine and I am alone with my thoughts. It is sunny and hot outside. I can hear the roar of lawn mowers. Ours certainly needs to be mowed but its too hot for that, at least for us. I should be cleaning and unpacking and getting this place into shape. But...Nah...not today. Maybe it is just my depression talking, maybe it is just a lazy Sunday, maybe it is just exhaustion. There are so many things we "should" be doing. So many things that "ought" to get done. So many thoughts I don't want to be thinking about today. Yesterday my oldest turned 14. How is that possible? It doesn't seem possible. Time slips away in such a strange way. Days seem to take forever and years fly by. So maybe just for today I slow down and ignore all the shoulds and oughts and just let myself be grumpy.

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